Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Non-Binding Resolution? Lily-Livered Cowards more like it!

The Senate failed to pass a non-binding resolution condemning President Bush’s plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq by 21,500 over the next few months. The House passed such a resolution on Friday.
What does a non-binding resolution accomplish?
It does nothing but harm the morale of American forces in a combat zone and send a message to those we are fighting that the American Congress does not support their troops. It is a cowardly act – if those supporting the resolution truly have the courage of their convictions, they would introduce a bill cutting off funding for the war and force the withdrawal of the troops. Anything less is merely grandstanding at the expense of American troops in harm’s way.
The subtle nicety of the “we support the warriors but not the war” drivel is lost on the bad guys. They see it as a victory in a war they cannot win on the battlefield – it reinforces their will to outlast the Americans. It says to them, “Keep this up and the Americans will call it quits.” It says to them, "Keep this up, and we can follow them home and take target practice in America's Malls and shopping centers". It says, "Keep this up and we will be able to blow Americans up on the Main Streets of their heartland". It says "Keep this up - Americans are cowards who have come to expect a microwave solution to every problem in the world. If it is not done during a commercial break from their favorite TV show, Americans will not have the stomach for it". And Sir, it lies. Because we Americans DO have the courage to do what it takes - does our government?
Anyone who believes that passage of the House resolution on Friday and attempts to do the same in the Senate does not hurt American troop morale and embolden the enemy has either never worn a uniform or has forgotten what it’s like to be deployed to a combat zone.
Sirs, America needs heroes. Fortunately, it has them - they’re serving in Iraq. If you or your collegues voted for this resolution, you’re not fit to be among them.

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