Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Global Warming or Global Farce?

I find it interesting that President Obama is meeting to “tackle” global warming on the same day that leading scientists are also meeting to discuss the impact of reduced sunspot activity and the correlation between reduced sunspots and ice ages.

This winter, Dutch canals froze for the first time in nearly two decades. The last time consistent freezing of those canals was witnessed was during the Little Ice Age of the 1600s. Humans, the only species so arrogant they believe they can change planetary heating and cooling. Global Warming is Absolute nonsense. CO2 is no more a pollutant than O2, which rots food & causes things to burn at an accelerated rate. CO2 is needed for plant life, that's why we can feed the world & according to forestry groups, we have more trees now than a century ago.

Coal produces around ½ of the nations electrical energy requirements. If cap and trade passes, electric energy costs will significantly increase. What effect would that have on people on fixed incomes or the poor? The implementation of the mindless energy strategy of this Administration is likely to be quite cruel to those folk.

By the way, the vast majority of CO2 in the atmosphere is naturally occurring. Humans produce an average of 1 kg/day in the process known as respiration. With around 6 billion of us that is 6 billion kg/day; do you think Obama and the democrats should perhaps tax breathing?

The Earth's been cooling since 1999. There is actually more ice on the West side of the continent than at any time in our history. Global Climate Change is happening. The climate on this planet changes constantly and has for four billion + years. I do not believe some fool who is profiting from it.

Let's go green like Spain! They have spent $500K per green job and now have 17% unemployment. Is that the goal of this Administration and the foolish Congress? I certainly hope not – Americans are not stupid and we are watching Washington's actions.