Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Good Old-Fashioned Days!

Wow - what are we to do? Today while driving to work I heard on the radio that old time tv shows are making a return - "sort of like comfort food" the radio announcer said. He went on. "it is because these times were simpler". Huh? Simpler?

He is talking about a return to sitcoms like The Andy Griffith Show (circa 1950's), Leave it to Beaver (1950's also) and a number of other shows from the 60's and 70's. Now, while I do not have a problem with these old shows which prtrayed good old American values making a comeback, I do draw the line at the anouncers statement that "life was simpler then". What is he talking about?

Hmm....1950's - McCarthyism, The Red Threat, the Cold War, Segregation, Desegregation, busing, the Civil Rights Movement...Need I go on? The "old days" were not easier or simpler. What the old days DID have as an advantge was a solid grounding in morality that America is sorely lacking - and losing daily it seems. What do I mean? Well let's take a look at the situation.

Back in the "good old days", we did not routinely experience the following: school shootings, kids killing each other, families killing each other (not to say there was no abuse - there was, but not like drowning your five children), rampant drug use (again it was there - especially sneaking beer - but not like today's parties for teens mixing and sneaking of your mom's oxycontin), terrorism, rampant Christianity bashing (yes, there is), rampant disrespect for the President of the United States - whether or not you agree personally with his politics, he is still our elected President and deserves respect.

What America needs now is a return to good old-fashioned values. You hear all the time how "Retro" fashion is making a comeback and all that is old is "new" again. Well, in MY book, it is time for a good old-fashioned revival of morality.

What are YOU going to do to protect our country and our way of life?

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