Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Illegal immigrants do NOT deserve amnesty!!!

Hope y’all understand this – I love America and I feel anyone who wants to come here – the correct way and add their history to ours should be able to do so. But, I HATE people who cut in line – at the bank, the grocery store – and in regards to immigration.

Regardless of the fact that the “illegal” alien is “paying” into the system, he/she has STILL broken a number of laws. He/she has STILL stolen another person’s Social Security number. He/she has STILL circumvented America’s immigration laws. He/she should NOT get “credit” for any funds “paid” into Social Security under a stolen number – what they should get is deported. End of story. Perhaps our immigration laws need to be re-worked (okay, they DO need to be re-worked) but the way to affect this change is not by disregarding them completely.

Those of your neighbors, family, friends, and co-workers who have illegal immigrants cutting lawns and doing work that they prefer to hire out are contributing to the erosion of our country as a strong economic backbone of this continent. It is not “convenient” to go pick up a day laborer to do work on the yard or house – it is a crime.

Consider the following – not counting my Native American ancestors – Iroquois and Mohawk both (and we will leave a discussion of treatment of Native Americans to another day) – my Italian and Scottish/Irish great-grandparents came here legally through a process and were required to learn the language so that they could get work, read packaging in the grocery store, navigate the cities and towns, and communicate with others. There was no product packaging written in Gaelic or Italian. Street signs were not written in their native language either. Job applications, driving tests, etc were in English only.

This country needs to STOP being so politically correct. We are destroying this nation by our misguided belief that to be a “good” American or a “good” Christian, we must look the other way while “minorities” are allowed to break laws with no repercussions. Well, there are MAJOR repercussions – schools are declining in their quality and ability to provide services. Teachers are leaving service because of requirements that they be bi-lingual and teach in both Spanish and English. Hospitals are closing because they are not being paid for services provided to people who are not legal immigrants – and therefore have no insurance and most have no intention of paying out of pocket. Jails are filling up because of serious increases in crimes – the percentage of crimes committed by illegal aliens is higher than any other social group. Why is this? Perhaps because they are “desperate” or perhaps because they have already committed felonies and gotten away with it – so why not? It becomes easier the further you slide into lawlessness. In Texas, a number of brutal killings of police officers and civilians have been recently committed by illegals – people who had already been deported at least one time!

Maybe you think I am callous or racist or just plain stupid. But, let me tell you this – America has a short time to pull its collective heads out of our collective butts. The laws against illegal immigration that are on our books right now need to be enforced. We need to close our borders to protect from further illegal immigration. We need to stop the NAFTA super highway construction from the Mexican border to the Canadian border. We need to take a good hard look at true immigration reform. We need to END this environment of “Politically Correct” stupidity and raise our social values for our children before it is too late and this country becomes a warm fuzzy memory.

Eternally Politically Uncorrect,

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