Friday, January 21, 2022


 As we approach "The Olympics" - and as the topic of "transgenderism in sports" is in the forefront of news and talk, I wanted to share some thoughts.

Sorry for the bluntness if it offends any 'sensitivities' - but some common sense and logic is needed here - and less "feels" and emotion. People can live as they choose to live - provided it doesn't harm others. This is one of those places where harm is huge. No matter what hormone, drug, surgery people have - they will continue to have the physiology they were born with. 

Specifically - medical science cannot change the skeletal, muscular, endocrine, circulatory systems and DNA. The physical body of an XY person will always be XY. And the same for XX.  Yes, hormones will affect size of muscle - but not the attachment points and placements. No - bone will not change - an XY pelvis will not ever 'flex' for giving birth like an XX one. That's just facts and medical science. 

A man or woman can simply NEVER in full fact change to the opposite sex. 

If that's upsetting to some - that is just life and facts. Live as one chooses - but don't think to force the world to embrace all of that in the same way the person does - it's just not reality. 

That said - letting people who have a natural, biological, physiological advantage and difference in capabilities compete with those who don't will never be fair, equitable - or morally correct. 

Why then, is there not a separate category for trans sports? This is truly the only way to ensure that all the strides made in women's sports over the past 100 years is not lost and women themselves are not erased from competition?

This isn't about actual science of sex and gender. Those are binary - as we see in nature. There are male and female - period. In language - there is also neutral; that is a language construct - not science, but social science.

In nature - we don't see 58 genders - we see 2, binary. And, that's it.

What trans and others are actually talking about is something mutable - and sex/gender is not mutable. So, it's personality characteristics - not gender - that are mutable. We have girls who are rough and tumble - or tomboys and we have so many variations and flavors of that. And, we have guys who are more feminine and many variations there.

This is more "social science" than medical or physical science. 

If people wrapped their heads around that - it would make things a lot more sensical. As people mature - they go through different phases and changes of exploring their person, character, self - and that can and does shift through time and even days. But, having surgery or taking hormones to permanently affect ones person isn't the best approach. And, they will never be the "other" that they think in a moment is wanted.

I think this is a better - more realistic take on things. 

Oh, and......Men shouldn't compete with women. Period.

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