Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The Valley of Haters. NOT! ~~ Reprint from Darrell Ankarlo 5/5/10

“We’ll bring you to your knees!”
“We’ll put a million people in the streets.”
“When we’re through with you, Arizona will be bankrupt!”

Just a few of the threats and vicious words I’ve heard from the innocent and loving protesters upset that our state dared to act on an issue that has made one of our cities (Phoenix) the number one kidnap capitol in the country and number two in the world!

We have militia from a foreign country engaged in shootouts with police a few miles from my home and close to a million “undocumented people” shutting down hospitals and nearly collapsing our welfare system. In fact as I write this, five illegal aliens just ambushed a police officer an hour from my home. They used AK47s. Imagine this on your cul du sak…it may be coming.

Arizona is all over the news because finally our state says “enough is enough” and has stopped waiting for the federal government to do something we all know it won’t do. I mean, come on, those supposed “representatives of the people” knew about and allowed Wall Street to come within inches of bankrupting America.

Can we really expect them to address their open door policy to modern day slavery?

In Arizona, for example, a brick layer used to make close to $20 an hour. Now he’s lucky to make $9 or $10 an hour because illegal aliens—usually working in groups—offer to beat any price. Many contractors have been paying illegal laborers $4 or $5 an hour under-the-table which pushes U.S. employees out of their jobs at an alarming rate. And, more often than not, if you’re illegal and complain or get hurt on the job, the boss threatens to call the police so the employer has full control. All of this has been happening in cities across the country as corporate America and Washington say nothing! Keep stock holders and voters happy at any cost.; This is modern day slavery.

Our Legislature decided they would take matters into its own hands. It’s called “state’s rights” kids. We fought a civil war over this very issue. But, instead of being celebrated our state is a pariah as people are calling for boycotts of everything that is Arizona (including Arizona Tea— which is and always has been made in NY!).

Our new state law is similar to a federal law, one that is rarely enforced. It says you CANNOT break into and steal from our resources—or export your criminals to a state already struggling. So why all the marches, cancellations and outcry now? Because our state is the first finally willing to stand and fight.

“But no person is illegal!”

Those are the words I hear whenever immigration comes up. Though I agree that we are all created equal in God’s eyes, I also know many of our military’s servicemen and women, including one of my sons, serve in part to preserve a thing called sovereignty. That’s a big concept – which I don’t have space to go into here. However, you can read more about it in last year’s book Another Man’s Sombrero which describes my trip into Mexico and how I sneaked back into America—without papers. It took me six whole seconds to get back!

So, Ankarlo, what would you do? Obviously, we have an immigration system that needs some major work so let’s demand that Congress put it on the burner along with their health care and Wall Street games. Next, we put 10,000 border patrol and national guardsmen at the key entrances—fully trained and armed. Then, to avoid the “show me your papers” argument we use a passport system.

Everywhere that I have traveled internationally I have not only carried a passport but have been asked to show it multiple times. I guess I should have pulled out a protest sign and yelled “Hater and Bigot!” Carry your passport. If you don’t have it on you, you have 24 hours to produce it. If law enforcement believes that you are here illegally you can be detained until someone can provide it for you. People caught making illegal passports, drivers licenses etc would be treated as terrorists or traitors, depending on citizenship.

“What does an illegal alien look like?” Here in the U.S. there are illegal aliens from at least 51 nations so it can be difficult to tell. However, when a group of people stand at the local Home Depot and none can speak English, you have a bit of a clue that it’s Colonel Mustard with the candlestick in the study. Thus, our new law says the police can investigate. Oh, and they can also cite/arrest the guy in the pickup who slows down to ferry his new slaves off for a day’s labor.

Almost one seventh of our state’s population is here illegally and since our state is nearing $2 billion in debt one has to assume the cheap labor and unpaid hospital visits just might be having an impact but Arizona is backwards for daring to do something about it! Bullcrap!

Until a federal government finally realizes what an impact its flaccid response is having on our independent state (and California, New Mexico, the great Republic of Texas and at least 23 other states) we’re going to abide by a system our forefathers built into a national Constitution—we are going to use our State’s Rights to save ourselves!

By the way, just this week three houses were raided in two days here in Phoenix; one had 69 people in it. Two crack downs were done at the same time with almost 100 people arrested, detained or cited—over 90 percent of them were here illegally. You’re smart so do the math and then you’ll understand our anger and confusion. Anger because we’re feeling this open door policy first hand and confusion because so many still don’t get it.
Darrell Ankarlo is a 32 year broadcast veteran and author of two books:  What Went Wrong with America and How to Fix it and Another Man’s Sombrero.  Find out more at