Thursday, September 04, 2008

Life or Death? The choice seems abundantly clear...

I actively watched the major speeches of both the GOP and DNC conventions. The issue with the greatest clarity for me is the dichotomy of the two 'tickets'.

On the one hand, we have the silver tongued speaker who voted repeatedly against legislation to protect live babies (little human beings) when born following an attempted late term abortion. A man who would not want to "punish his daughters with a baby"(1) if she were in Bristol's shoes. A man who is all for protecting the polar bear and the three-toed purple spotted tree frog - but not a child.

On the other hand, we have a man who is pro-life who chose as his running mate a woman who, pregnant with a child the parents knew had special challenges - accepted that gift from God with open arms. A woman who believes in abstinence teachings for children - so that they may be taught by the ones with the true responsibility in the matter - their parents; not so that they be ignorant. A woman who feels a politician's job is to serve "with a servant's heart" (2). A woman who, upon finding her own daughter pregnant; once again accepts God's challenge ahead and supports Bristol and looks forward to welcoming her grandchild.

That is about the most clear you can get on the differences between McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden. A ticket that stands for life and respect - or - a ticket that stands for fluid morality.

The choice, for me, is clear.

(1) - Senator Obama on March 30, 2008 in a Town Hall Meeting
(2) - Governor Palin on September 3, 2008 at the RNC

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