Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Top 10 Issues in the world today

I have my opinions. Stop rolling on the floor and laughing, I mean I do have opinions on things that affect my world today. So, in this blog entry I am going to outline what I feel are the top 10 critical issues facing our society. In subsequent blogs I will focus on what I feel the solutions are - or a potential solution.

Here goes:

  1. Islamic Fascism

  2. Illegal Immigration

  3. Politicians & Governmental Leaders apathy (and worse)

  4. The U.N. ('nuff said)

  5. Corporate Influence on Government

  6. Loss of Morals & Ethics

  7. Denial of the Judeo-Christian foundation of this country

  8. Political Correctness

  9. The Government's lies on our approaching Recession

  10. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and their followers pushing their reverse racism

Okay, there it is. That is my Top 10 list of what is wrong with America right now. I will expound on each of these topics in coming posts.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Act now or Suffer Later!!!

I have a 2005 Jeep Liberty which has an 18 gallon tank. You cannot run it totally empty, so, at approx 17 gallons, I have paid over $55.OO to fill the thing. When we bought it, we beleived the sticker which said it would get 28 on highway and 24 in city. That is bullcookies. I get an average of 16miles/gallon.

My husband has an F250 diesel and gets better mileage - 25. To fill his tank it is already over $100. We have the truck for our horses (business) and other necessities in Texas - so, please do not have any environmentalists tell me we should drive a Prius- it will not pull 3 horses that weigh 1200 lbs a piece.

We have no viable public transit to get to and from work. Which is lousy. When I lived in Boston, I filled up one a month. I have estimated (without trips to family for holidays) that for the year we spend $8,000 on fuel. Up from just over $4,000 a year back in 2002. If fuel goes to $4 a gallon, we will be at over $10,000 a year for getting to work and back. We are very efficient in trips out - but work is sort of required if you want to be on the salary continuation plan.

Our weekly food bill went from $75. - $80 a week (eating chicken breasts, and a steak regularly) to over $125 a week to eat chicken thighs and ground chuck. Milk is $4 a gallon here - and cheap bread is $2.19 so, I am not sure how we are going to continue like this.

Jimmy Carter said ONE great thing during his presidency - "we will cut our need for foreign oil". Course he did nothing about it. We need someone who is leading this country to rally us into programs to get off foreign oil and do things like nuclear power for all electricity. In the short term we need to drill in ANWR and off our shores - and ues coal gasification to fuel our lives and economy to get us out of the danger we are in now. At the same time, we need to develop cars that run on renewable fuel and run our houses on nuclear power. (If France can do it, we can do it better) If we could get to the moon in a decade we can solve this.

I said we were in grave danger - think on this - what if Iran and Venezuela shut off their oil sales to us completely? How would we work? How would we get food? How would we heat our homes? In short, how would our economy continue to support us? In the short term it would all grind to a halt. We need to prevent that future - fast.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Draft of new Immigration Bill - (mine)

I REALLY do not understand the "Illegal Immigration" debate. The first word says it all: illegal - end of debate.

Here is a bill that has some common sense. This is what we need to enact:
1. Close and secure the Southern Border with a hardened uninterrupted fence supplemented by technological surveillance. – NOTHING else is considered until this effort is completed. If we can build the Empire State Building in a year, we can do this in the same timeframe – with multiple crews working on different sections simultaneously.
Following the construction of the fence:
2. All illegal aliens in this country must be sent back to their country of origin. Do not tell me this is impossible. If the border is closed, they can be found one by one – the same way they came here, and deported. Eventually, there will be no illegal aliens.
3. Any person/company found hiring illegal aliens without documentation will be imprisoned and fined harshly.
4. Create a Guest Worker program for small numbers of people to fill jobs requested by employers specifically. Keep track of who is hired for what job and monitor these employers.
5. Additional taxes will be issued to these temporary workers to compensate costs inflicted on our healthcare facilities.
6. No guest workers will collect social security, disability, unemployment or federal health care.
7. Illegal aliens without federal documentation, found in this country within one year of Bills establishment will be held in work camps until they are deported. These camps will be comprised of a “Tent Prison” system where they will work on federal jobs to compensate the cost of the camp – until they are deported back to their country of origin.
8. To become a citizen you must remain documented for a period of 10 years. During this time you must be employed, be clear of any criminal activity, and speak and write English. (This will add people to this country that are educated and have a strong desire to be an American)
9. Any criminal activity will result in imprisonment and/or deportation.
10. Change the 14th Amendment to the Constitution to stop “anchor babies”. This is NOT what our Founding Fathers had in mind – and you all know that.
11. No company or corporation is allowed to displace – or artificially deflate – the wages of American Workers by hiring “guest workers”. This means that Mr. Construction Company owner cannot fire all his cement workers that are American, and hire guest workers for 2/3 of the cost, thus decimating the American cement workers and driving the standard wages for those jobs lower.

Done! Wow... common sense. What a thought.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Global Warming - farce or manipulation to force taxes paid to the UN??

In the leading London newspaper, today it says that the only solution to Global Warming is taxes. That's it. Taxes. Wow. Is that a frightening thing, global taxes? Let me tell you what global warming is.

The Earth is getting warmer. The Earth has always gotten warmer and then it has gotten warmer and then it has gotten colder. For instance, "Time" magazine wrote in 1924 about global warming -- I'm sorry, global cooling. And then in '39 it was global warming. And then in '74 it was global cooling and then it's warming again. The "New York Times" did the same thing, 1924, stories all about global cooling. 35, global warming. '75, global cooling. Today it's warming again.

It happens over and over and over again, but they have so captured the imagination and the fear of people that we're all going to be wiped off the face of the planet and it is a lie! It is a lie! But don't take my word for it. I'm going to give you just the phrases from the environmentalists that should open your mind and open up your eyes and be able to arm you with being able to save the open-minded people that are left, the ones that have been duped, the ones who don't know. They are all good intentioned but they are being useful idiots. Let me give you some of them.
  • This comes from Canada's former environmental minister, Christine Stewart. Quote: Climate change provides the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.
  • o Excuse me? Climate change is the greatest chance to bring justice and equality in the world? How is that, Christine Stewart?
  • Quote, same person. This is the former environmentalist of Canada. Quote: No matter if the science is all phony, there is still collateral environmental benefits to global warming policies. That collateral benefit is global taxes. More money out of the pockets of honest hard-working American citizens.
  • Quote, Stephen Schneider: To capture the public imagination, we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest.
  • o Who is Stephen Schneider? He was the lead UN IPCC report author and climate alarmist. In 2007 he is still in a major role.
  • Dave Foreman, founder of Earth First: Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth, social and environmental.
  • Jacques Chirac: Kyoto is the first component of an authentic global governance.
  • Prince Philip, World Wildlife Federation, If I were reincarnated, I would come back, return to the Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.
  • George Monbiot, environmental author last year: Every time someone dies as a result of floods in Bangladesh airline executives should be dragged out of office and concerned.
  • Helen Cox, Union of Concerned Scientists: free enterprise really means rich people get richer. They have freedom to exploit and psychologically rape their fellow human beings in the process. Capitalism is destroying the Earth. Every time you turn on an electric outlet, you are making another brainless baby.
  • Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund: The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States.
  • John Edwards this weekend said this is going to cause great pain, higher energy prices, higher gas prices, higher food prices, we're going to pay higher taxes but we've got to do it and there may be more on the horizon that we don't even know but we've got to do it.

This is the goal of the environmental movement, to stop America, to stop development, to stop the Third World from being poor, to redistribute the wealth, to take your money and give it to an organization that can better decide how it should be distributed. It is the global movement for justice and equality. Now, that's not what your neighbor thinks that has the Go Green bumper sticker and the Prius or whatever. That's not what they think, but that's the truth and at some point Americans have got to unite and stand with the truth. There is no dismissing these comments.

I don't care if it's a Republican or Democrat. The Republicans are starting to go down this road because so many Americans have been co-opted into this lie that the Republicans are going to have absolutely no spine and they're going to go right along with it. This is a plot from those who would see the US lose sovereignty to the “World Court”. You have no concept of what is right around the corner, and what is right around the corner is the loss of sovereignty. It is about the destruction of the United States of America. Unless Americans take a stand and tell our political leaders “NO”.

I am saying "NO" to the UN and anything like the Kyoto Protocol. Do you know who your representatives are in Washington? Do you know how to contact them? If not, it is something you may want to look into.