My ancestors - by that I mean my "Great-Greats" - grandmothers, fathers, aunts, and uncles - all had a MUCH healthier distrust of the federal government than people today.
People who came before us came from places where government ran roughshod over people's very lives. They were serfs - not much more than slaves really - or subjects, and were at the whim of those in government or the "peerage".
When they came here - they held a strong arm straight out at the government - because they embraced what we have here - our freedom - and they didn't want those politico types getting their talons into the lives citizens built for themselves.
Our Founders formed a Republic - not a democracy or aristocracy or any other type of government - it was the first of its kind - and is still materially different than any other place on earth - and our very existence changed the lives of the common people in every other place on earth.
Sorry to say this - but people have been "dumbed down" by our "government" school systems to think such ridiculous things as "the US is a democracy" (it's not) or "a democracy and our Republic are the same and interchangeable terms" (no, they aren't )
We need to return to that healthy distrust of federal collective power - and we need to stop relying on the government as some benevolent nanny. They aren't our parent - and they are NOT benevolent.
Stop thinking they are some cuddly entity with our best in mind - and realize that government - all government - is a leviathan that wants to gobble up more and more power and control - and start understanding that we must force them to work - ONLY - in the ways we TELL them to work.
America and the entire world depends on this.
The more we take from government - the more they have their hand in our private business.
The reality with this entire pandemic - government had no business forcing any of the things they did.
They had responsibility (which they botched badly) to quantify the virus, and determine the risks, characteristics and WHERE it came from. And, to find out what types of medicines we had in the tool chest that would work on it.
What they did NOT have was the authority to force everyone into 1-size fits all mandates and other. No one but an individual should determine if they wrap a cloth around their faces and restrict their breathing or not - and sure as Hell not forcing people to be test subjects in some global medical Frankenstein experiments.
WE - as a people - need to be a heck of a lot better at TELLING government where they are and are NOT welcome.
And most Americans need a clear and deeper understanding of the fact that government works FOR us - not the other way 'round.