The big problems in the economy?
The Fed -
- Lowering interest rates for over a year has devalued the dollar on the world market
Inflation is at 17 year highs – we aren’t aware of this because Washington changed the way they calculate and report inflation since the 1980’s. If calculated in the same manner as it was 17+ years ago, today’s inflation rate is 11% (pretty Carter-esque isn’t it?) - A devalued dollar is causing inflation on gas, oil, and food.
If interest rates were increased .5 - .75% - the corresponding drop in oil prices would be (reported by an oil & gas analyst to Congress in January) 20 - 30 dollars a barrel.
Global Warming Hoax -
- We all hear the scare tactics on TV. Here are a few real facts (go ahead and Google or research these little tidbits, they are out there – it is just that no one looks because they get their news from TV…)
- The IPCC has accepted as correct and acknowledged the findings in a new climate change research report which finds that the so called Global Warming stopped in 1998. Since 1998, the earth has cooled .7 degrees.
- Global Warming has been changed to say "Global Climate Change". The UN, Al Gore's, etc want to keep "Climate Change" as a big issue because of the money it generates for these people/organizations.
- The US Presidential Candidates are all looking at a "carbon tax". Each of these Senators have been briefed - in the Senate - by leading authorities that there is no Global Warming, yet their platforms still insist on a carbon tax.
Lack of meaningful Energy Policy -
- This country needs to suck up a number of things to solve the "oil" issue once and for all. Political leaders need to have the cajones to put the Environmental Groups in their place. If these people had their way, we would all be sitting in the dark in a cave someplace freezing to death and not eating anything but weeds.
- We need to drill ANYPLACE there are oil reserves: ANWR; Off Southern Coast, etc - this doesn't have to be forever, just until we can get other alternatives up and running. The Caribou will be fine for a couple of decades.
- We need to build new Nuclear Power plants to produce cheap electricity. France runs 85% of their electric power on nuclear plants for over 35 years and have had no problems or issues. They also use technology to re-use their fuel rods - cutting down on waste by over 80%. (Are we not at least as smart as France?)
- We have more than the equivalent of Coal Reserves in the US that Saudi Arabia has in oil. Through new technologies that are environmentally clean, we can produce liquid fuels (Gasoline, home heating oil, diesel, etc) from coal - with 100% of the CO2 captured - which can then be used to improve oil wells production in the form of underground pressure. This results in no increase of CO2 in the air. (though, if you read above, you will be able to infer that Al Gore's model of direct increase in temperature based on increase in CO2 is flawed since CO2 has risen since 1998, yet temperatures have fallen.
- Electric; gas electric; diesel electric cars are the answer to transportation questions for the future. Battery technology is improving. There are currently cars being tested that have a 400 mile range on a single charge.
- Solar and wind power can be used in new home construction to improve energy efficiency.
If we instituted these changes, in 4 years we could have much of the infrastructure in place and online and in under 10 years (like 8) we could be free of ALL foreign oil. (Not just Mid-east, but ALL - Canada, Mexico, etc) This set of changes would also create MASSIVE amounts of new jobs - at all levels, blue collar, technical, white collar; thus improving our economy.
Politicians -
- Many of the politicians in Washington have never worked or succeeded in any other arena than politics. Without skills outside of politics, they know nothing in depth about this country and its people.
- Regular people in the US - teachers, doctors, community leaders - all need to take up the banner and replace the career politicians with honest ordinary people. This is the model the Founding Fathers envisioned - people serving their country in this way for a short time - and then going HOME to their REAL lives.
"We The People" need to be encouraging and DEMANDING that our political leaders do the same, we will all be much more successful in our own personal lives - and the shining country would be back where we all want the US to be - a world leader. If not, we can send them home to give a new career a try – I’m sure it’ll do them good.
Why not pass this on to your Representatives in Washington…Maybe they will wake up.