Tuesday, August 09, 2022

The FBI Raid of Mara Largo

Last night was an attempt to intimidate ALL of the political 'Right'. For many years, the left has been aggressive and vicious - and the status quo GOP were mamby-pamby - and 'took the high road', never hitting back, never calling foul. Every time the right was in power they paid lip service to their constituents but never really rocked the boat.

The Tea Party was a first foray at getting the GOP to take action. They made some progress - not enough really. There was no "leader" to head the charge of freedom - it was a diverse movement - a start, but too disjointed. What I think they did accomplish was galvanizing Trump to step into the ring. The billionaire who loves his nation - I think he needed to see that there were people out in the nation to stand with him.

Now, there are a LOT of "America First" people across this nation - they know they are not alone - they know we are really the majority - Trump's term showed us there is a LOT we can do. Energy independence, low unemployment, higher wages, lower taxes, secure borders - all this and more was possible - and people began to dream again. To dream of Reagan's 'shining city on a hill' - of JFK's vision of freedom.

Now, we terrify the left. With Trump as the harbinger of change - the masses have been activated. They know this nation is supposed to be a bright light of abundance and hope - and we were on that path - the left stole it from us. But, Twitter, independent news reporters, political activists like Scott Pressler, Project Veritas, etc - have made it easier to raise awareness.

Trump's momentum is growing - so the left tried to slap us all back - and last night was supposed to scare the bejeezus out of us all - scare us back into submission and subservience while the left and the RINOs run roughshod over the nation - with their globalist buddies to enslave humanity.

They miscalculated - and they over played their hand. It's time - they have pulled the tail of the sleeping lion. It's time to stand as patriots, as Americans - and say "No - the left will not cow us any longer - and we will not allow you to corrupt our children, their futures or our lives any longer."

Time will tell if last night was 'the shot heard 'round the world' or less - but I think this will not end well for the left.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Gas Price Woes? Everything Rolls Up to Biden


If anyone is in doubt about who is causing the spike in gas prices. If anyone says "presidents don't set gas prices" - please share this.

Also - while presidents don't set the price at the pump directly, they do make massive impacts on the gas and oil prices. Biden DID cause it. Directly. With his attack on energy sector starting on day 1:

  • Keystone pipeline cut (830,000 barrels per day cut)
  • Oil and gas leases on public land shut down
  • ANWR leases shut down
  • Fracking canceled
  • Offshore drilling canceled

How are gas prices set? Gas prices are set on the Futures Markets where the prices of commodities are bid on for investments. How did Biden affect that? The list above shows how. When he made those changes, he signaled the Futures Markets that the US was attacking it's own energy production and that industry segment would be impacted. That caused prices to start rising on Jan 22, 2022. They haven't stopped, because he keeps attacking the energy sector.

"Well, Oil companies are greedy and raising prices." Actually, they raise prices to be able to afford to put product out in the coming 6-months.

Think about it this way - a gas station owned by an American citizen buys gas to sell at the pumps. Let's (for the sake of discussion) say he pays $10,000 for the load. He charges enough to make a fair profit and sells the gas for a price. When he's done selling that load, he needs to be able to pay for the refill - and have a profit at the end to pay his employees and himself.

Now, let's say that the next load costs $20,000 and he didn't charge enough to set aside that much $$. So, he has to cut the delivery back to what he can afford or raise the prices to cover his loss for the next time - plus make up his short fall.

These deliveries are on a contract - usually a year long. So, they contract to get a set amount of fuel delivered each term (week, 2-weeks or whatever) they have to take that amount of fuel or they are in breach of contract.

So, when prices are spiking, he's trying to assume what he will need to be able to pay for that next delivery of gas. If he doesn't have enough to pay, he has to shut down.

The same thing happens to the oil companies. They have to be able to refine the fuel and get it delivered to the gas stations. The truckers are raising their prices b/c the costs for diesel is also rising. The refining costs are also rising b/c the cost for a barrel is rising ($30/barrel under Trump; $120/barrel today)

So, no - oil companies and gas station owners aren't gouging people - they are trying to keep themselves ahead of the costs coming the next delivery.

The issue is Biden's policies. It ALL rolls up to Biden.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Hey - Climate Cultists - Oil IS Green. . .


I'd love someone to state - with specifics - why we need to "get off of oil" and "switch to green energy".

First - oil is green, it's not a "fossil fuel" - that's an old propagandist lie - it's a hydrocarbon, created by the earth by processing decomposed bio-mass through the rotation and thermal heat of the planet's core. How can you get more 'green'than something that WAS green before dying and decomposing?

Second - it's plentiful - the US alone has over 1,000 years of oil sitting under our feet - with more created with each rotation of the planet. We have more than that of coal and natural gas. Plentiful.

Third - it's efficient. Hydrocarbon energy is more efficient than wind or solar. It makes better use of surface land area than either solar farms or wind farms.

So - please - without hyperbole about "dirty oil" - tell me WHY we "need to get off of oil"?

Sunday, January 23, 2022



• 1/3 of American High School graduates never read another book in their lives.

• 42% of college graduates never read another book after college.

• 80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year.

• 70% of US adults have not been in a book store in 5 or more years.

• 57% of new books are not read to completion.**

**Source Simon Schuster 2012

Can you imagine this?  This is terrifying.  Our brains, as humans, are wired to learn and gather knowledge our entire lives. If we aren't growing our minds, what are we filling them with?

Reality TV?

Social Media?

TikTok videos?

Make it a point in 2022 to READ A BOOK!  Or two!


Saturday, January 22, 2022


 Yeah - I'm wading into the thick of it again today. Call me crazy - maybe it's just that. I like to think it's because I am wired to find solutions - and solve problems.

Today, I am looking at solutions and positive actions. Today, let's focus on what the protestors this spring - are actually 'protesting'. These protests are supposed to bring attention to the "oppression" and "systemic racism" of blacks.

Throughout the history of this great nation, we have had some chapters that were less shining than others. Slavery is one of those chapters. When we speak about Slavery in the US, most often it refers to slavery of blacks from the Caribbean or Africa. There were also other slaves in the 'New World'. Indeed, the Irish were enslaved - in Europe and the Americas earlier and longer than African blacks - past the Civil War years, by way of conscription, kidnap and indentured servitude. It is historical fact, and can be researched as such. The Irish were treated viciously in our nation - no less than Africans. We will, however, keep that topic for another day.

Slavery started in the colonies in 1612 and was first legalized in the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1625. Slavery was ended as an institution in the US in 1865. In that 240 year span, many blacks of Caribbean and African descent were held as slaves. There is nothing to say on this topic other than slavery and enslaving of another human is abhorrent and evil.

When slavery ended, there was a time that blacks were considered to be less intelligent, less capable than whites - and that view is also abhorrent. We had Jim Crow, discrimination, segregation, desegregation, and civil rights movements and laws that helped usher in equality for all in the US. It seems crazy, to us, that our forefathers would hold these beliefs - but there it is. And, in fact, there are still sects of the KKK and White Supremacists in existence - though those beliefs will die out with those throwbacks to a darker time.

I think then, based on the previous information, we can all agree that no one alive today - in the US - has been held as a slave as part of that institution in the US. In fact, no one has been held a slave as part of that institution in the past 152 years.

Today, black Americans have nothing in law or legislation that prevents them from being anything they want to be - indeed - up to and including the President of the US. The only limit is your ambition and the only method of getting there is hard work.  Anything is achievable.

**One note - slavery still exists today in our world.  Today - as we speak - Africans and Christians are enslaved, bought, auctioned, sold and traded in the Middle East and Africa.  I would ask where the outrage is for these people from those who think looting and burning businesses is an effective means of "change".