I'd love someone to state - with specifics - why we need to "get off of oil" and "switch to green energy".
First - oil is green, it's not a "fossil fuel" - that's an old propagandist lie - it's a hydrocarbon, created by the earth by processing decomposed bio-mass through the rotation and thermal heat of the planet's core. How can you get more 'green'than something that WAS green before dying and decomposing?
Second - it's plentiful - the US alone has over 1,000 years of oil sitting under our feet - with more created with each rotation of the planet. We have more than that of coal and natural gas. Plentiful.
Third - it's efficient. Hydrocarbon energy is more efficient than wind or solar. It makes better use of surface land area than either solar farms or wind farms.
So - please - without hyperbole about "dirty oil" - tell me WHY we "need to get off of oil"?