*Repost with updates - original from 2005
So what, you may ask yourself, is a “Keltic Witch”? And, for that matter, how did she come to be? Well, that is a somewhat long story so sit back and enjoy the ride – it is a meandering one.
I was born and raised in Massachusetts. I spent most of my “growing up” years in the Waltham/Watertown area and lived the typical “small town near a big city” life. My brother is 3 years younger than me and we always tried to “out do” each other. Most of our extended family was within an hours ride – if not ½ hour and we spent a lot of time with family while young.
My maternal Grandfather, Da, was a super great cook. He could go out and have a meal and come home and recreate that same meal. It was amazing to watch him at work. He made fantastic dishes in what has to be the smallest kitchen I have ever worked in. Much of my spare time was spent at his knee and so I learned a great love of cooking and creating recipes.
I went to college in Worcester, MA at the College of the Holy Cross, a Jesuit school. I studied Political Science at a time when we were the biggest superpower in the world, the Soviet Union was still our major rival, and terrorism was something that happened only in the Middle East and Ireland.
I tried my hand at everything I thought I wanted to do. I was a banker, office worker, personal trainer, teacher, and finally found that I was good with computers. I made a career out of managing large-scale software implementation projects. I liked what I did and was good at it. It afforded me the ability to travel and see the country.
I fell in love with a man in the U.S. Navy. He was dashing and handsome. We eloped and planned a great life while he was on leave. He went back to his duty station in Japan and we found I was pregnant. Not a huge obstacle, we could handle it! After 3 months, he was killed while out to sea in a training accident and I was alone. Six months later, I had my son and vowed he would have the best I could provide.
For four years, I scraped and sold myself to the company with the highest bid so I could raise my son. I landed in Texas and met the one man I was born to love forever. My husband, my friend. He smoothed all my rough edges and polished my hurts. It has been nineteen of the best years I could hope for. We have our oldest son and our “bitty boy” too. Our lives are so peaceful.
In a few years, we will move out of the big city and have land and a ranch to enjoy with our boys out of the mess of the city. God Bless my family, please.